
The Trial of Jesus: Illustrated from Talmud and Roman Law is unavailable, but you can change that!

Surveying the Roman and Jewish trials of Jesus, Septimus Buss provides insight into the legal systems that delivered Jesus to the cross. Buss digs into the legal codes of both Rome and the Mishna, answering questions about the legality and justice of the two systems. Buss also provides commentary on the four gospels account of the trials, chronologically arranged.

Page 553. “No formal, regular meeting of the Sanhedrin.” ″ 565. “The Sanhedrists assembled in increased numbers.” We hold the opinion of Dr. Edersheim in the very highest estimation, and prefer to follow him rather than any other writer. In this case, however, with no desire to be presumptuous, we cannot abandon every other commentator. Basing our decision on the actual words of the Evangelists, employing the official term συνέδριον, Sanhedrin, and naming the constituent elements of these assemblies
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